Don't have much to write on lately since my life consists of nothing but shopping, sitting on my couch and eating...
Today I watched a full 4 hours of Keeping Up With the Kardashian's on E! What a perfect way to spend my Sunday. What did I learn from these enlightening women? I learned the difference between a Tampon and Pad, Fresh eggs and store bought eggs, how to trust your boyfriend, to never leak sex pictures or take sex pictures and that everyone should live a life of fame. Ach, watching the Kardashian's is like going to school, I learn a plethora of important information that is sure to be useful in my future endeavors. After this, I watched another hour of Diners, Drive ins and Dives, then something else on the Food Network and then watched Maid in Manhattan. A fulfilling day it was... Oh, I also ate Pizza.
My sister was supposed to come home from England yesterday but her flight was canceled due to the "snow storm" that seemed to hit the UK. Apparently their definition of snow storm is 1cm on the ground and light flurries that melt when they touch cement. Dani said it was the most ridiculous thing she has ever seen, people in a panic, driving slow... acting like it was the blizzard of the century. Because of this great panic, she won't be home until the 22nd.
Alright I will write more later, I am exhausted from my busy day of doing nothing.
Ciao for now.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Top 10
As Hanukkah came to a close I realized I never made a wish list for my parents, god... being away from home can really screw with your mind. So, friends, family, strangers... For the first time ever... (well kind of) I am now celebrating Christmas and accepting gifts as they come. Here are my top five wants, or as I like to call them... NEEDS:
2. Community Wool Cadet Coat- Okay, this is ALMOST what I want except for the fact that the one that I want has a fur hood... I think. I saw this super tall girl trying it on in Aritzia and it made me almost cry how beautiful it looked. Thus, mom... can I have it please???? Seriously, I only have a puffy winter parka and not a warm nice winter jacket... I could use some style this holiday season. Nobody wants to be the outcast...
(But seriously mom, I really want and NEED this....)
3. Michael kors Hamilton Tote- Yea yea, I know I already said I wanted the Wang bag (haha Wang), but how sexy sophisticated is this one?? For just $298 you could buy me this!!! That's right folks it's that cheap! I would be crazy sophisticated wearing this bag... just can't get over it.
4. Clearly I also want a fur vest or as most websites label them a "waistcoat". I do not have a specific picture since I do not have a specific "waistcoat" in mind. However, the vest will be mine. Like Cruella Deville and her obsession with puppies... this is my obsession. Except I will not be making my vest out of Dalmatians.... I swear.
5. Next, you may say "wow Jesse those sure are high... are you high!?!!?" No silly friends... I am not high... maybe high off Yves Saint Laurent Tribtoo Suede Pumps, for they truly make me want to be a better person.
Well there ya have it... my top 5 wants/ needs, all in neutrals colors. I don't seem to wear much color these days, it scares the shit out of me. Bright purples and pinks and blues... makes me cringe. I know what your all saying "wow Jesse that's so depressing" FALSE, I like it so shut it.
On a less depressing color note, I am going home tomorrow and am bittersweet about it. Only bittersweet because I haven't left my bed all day so I don't really have feelings for anything right now, other then sleeping. What am I excited about? Well, the fact that Meryl has already mapped out all the restaurants we are going to eat at once I get home and all the shopping that is going to take place. Apparently she has discovered a plethora of new places to eat which excites me to no end... you know how I feel about food. Don't worry guys... I will make sure to take pictures of all the food I eat, you can now partake in the same experience Jeremy does (obviously it won't be the same).
Alright fools... I'm out, Brit is on her way home and I need to make a quick trip to the mall with her... but when is it ever quick? I'll let you know if anything good comes my way.
sayonara bitches.
1. Alexander Wang Darcy Slouchy Hobo bag- Okay yes it looks like all other bags I own, however, it is slightly different... notice the "hobo" in the name. I do not own a hobo bag right now, this could definitely work in my wardrobe.

(But seriously mom, I really want and NEED this....)
3. Michael kors Hamilton Tote- Yea yea, I know I already said I wanted the Wang bag (haha Wang), but how sexy sophisticated is this one?? For just $298 you could buy me this!!! That's right folks it's that cheap! I would be crazy sophisticated wearing this bag... just can't get over it.
4. Clearly I also want a fur vest or as most websites label them a "waistcoat". I do not have a specific picture since I do not have a specific "waistcoat" in mind. However, the vest will be mine. Like Cruella Deville and her obsession with puppies... this is my obsession. Except I will not be making my vest out of Dalmatians.... I swear.

Well there ya have it... my top 5 wants/ needs, all in neutrals colors. I don't seem to wear much color these days, it scares the shit out of me. Bright purples and pinks and blues... makes me cringe. I know what your all saying "wow Jesse that's so depressing" FALSE, I like it so shut it.
On a less depressing color note, I am going home tomorrow and am bittersweet about it. Only bittersweet because I haven't left my bed all day so I don't really have feelings for anything right now, other then sleeping. What am I excited about? Well, the fact that Meryl has already mapped out all the restaurants we are going to eat at once I get home and all the shopping that is going to take place. Apparently she has discovered a plethora of new places to eat which excites me to no end... you know how I feel about food. Don't worry guys... I will make sure to take pictures of all the food I eat, you can now partake in the same experience Jeremy does (obviously it won't be the same).
Alright fools... I'm out, Brit is on her way home and I need to make a quick trip to the mall with her... but when is it ever quick? I'll let you know if anything good comes my way.
sayonara bitches.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Easily Amused...
Alright folks,
I know it's been a few days but things got a little hectic here on the home front (you know, school and such). Things are slowly beginning to get sorted out and finished so I can leave Toronto and go home to Edmonton, I need a break bad!
Things that have been going on... Friday was Brits birthday and we went to get our hair done (or as some would say, "got our hair did"). I basically got "ma hair did" for my grad pictures, which turned out semi OK. The robe they put me in was huge and made me look like a linebacker... unsure what a linebacker really is, but I hear the term often so I chose to use it (I know it's a football term... I don't do sports so that's as far as I can go with this...). Anyhow I took a really cute picture of my hair with me smiling to show my parents, and one without... and I by accident just deleted the one with me smiling so I am going to put up the one of me "pouting". How did I delete it? Well, I was deleting pictures of food from my phone since I had an abundance flooding my camera folder. I usually take pictures of everything I eat and send it to Jeremy in order to make him jealous (even if the food is gross), and then he sends me a message back how awesome he thinks the food I am eating is... (okay, whatever... it's a complex relationship, don't judge us).

Okay, I know I look like a total douche in this picture so don't judge me, I just wanted to show everyone how fabulous my hair looks (and my new lipgloss)... the other picture was so much better... I swear, it existed. Also, the fact that I am taking a picture of myself through a bathroom mirror does not help the situation... however, I live away from home and my parents need to see me somehow, right??? Ach whatever, excuses excuses...Also memo to self, clean my bathroom mirror- Had a little spritz problem when brushing my teeth... woopsy.
I am not a professional blogger who has individuals take photographs for them- case in point... HOLLER. This picture is way better... notice the white blouse (sweet grad photo styles).
Okay, so besides showing everyone pictures of my new hair while I make fun of myself at the same time... I will further discuss my weekend events, they consisted of Latkes. Latkes you ask?! Why yes friends, LATKES.What an eventful weekend (and yes, this picture was originally taken for Jeremy).
Okay also, Alli just told me about a fantastic new website I need to share. I am giving her all the credit because I did not find this... she is the genius behind this incredible find. To my friends out there I am now unveiling:
Wow Jesse, what is this cool website you are introducing us to (through Alli) you might ask? It is exactly what it looks like...BREAD PEOPLE. What an amazing, incredible, phenomenal and as my Jeremy said, "this makes me hungry" website. I am not quite sure how it makes one hungry looking at people made out of bread, but I won't argue.
SO, we watched/ are watching Zoolander in "Europe A La Mode" and I thought I would leave you with an inspirational quote via Hansel (so hot right now, Hansel).
"Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that."
I respect you Hansel, I really do.
I know it's been a few days but things got a little hectic here on the home front (you know, school and such). Things are slowly beginning to get sorted out and finished so I can leave Toronto and go home to Edmonton, I need a break bad!
Things that have been going on... Friday was Brits birthday and we went to get our hair done (or as some would say, "got our hair did"). I basically got "ma hair did" for my grad pictures, which turned out semi OK. The robe they put me in was huge and made me look like a linebacker... unsure what a linebacker really is, but I hear the term often so I chose to use it (I know it's a football term... I don't do sports so that's as far as I can go with this...). Anyhow I took a really cute picture of my hair with me smiling to show my parents, and one without... and I by accident just deleted the one with me smiling so I am going to put up the one of me "pouting". How did I delete it? Well, I was deleting pictures of food from my phone since I had an abundance flooding my camera folder. I usually take pictures of everything I eat and send it to Jeremy in order to make him jealous (even if the food is gross), and then he sends me a message back how awesome he thinks the food I am eating is... (okay, whatever... it's a complex relationship, don't judge us).

Okay, I know I look like a total douche in this picture so don't judge me, I just wanted to show everyone how fabulous my hair looks (and my new lipgloss)... the other picture was so much better... I swear, it existed. Also, the fact that I am taking a picture of myself through a bathroom mirror does not help the situation... however, I live away from home and my parents need to see me somehow, right??? Ach whatever, excuses excuses...Also memo to self, clean my bathroom mirror- Had a little spritz problem when brushing my teeth... woopsy.
I am not a professional blogger who has individuals take photographs for them- case in point... HOLLER. This picture is way better... notice the white blouse (sweet grad photo styles).
This would be my definition of a smile- you could only imagine what my grad photos look like.
Okay also, Alli just told me about a fantastic new website I need to share. I am giving her all the credit because I did not find this... she is the genius behind this incredible find. To my friends out there I am now unveiling:
Wow Jesse, what is this cool website you are introducing us to (through Alli) you might ask? It is exactly what it looks like...BREAD PEOPLE. What an amazing, incredible, phenomenal and as my Jeremy said, "this makes me hungry" website. I am not quite sure how it makes one hungry looking at people made out of bread, but I won't argue.
SO, we watched/ are watching Zoolander in "Europe A La Mode" and I thought I would leave you with an inspirational quote via Hansel (so hot right now, Hansel).
"Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that."
I respect you Hansel, I really do.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Fur Glorious Fur..
So, the countdown begins to my journey back to Edmonton, city of dreams... or something like that. Is it weird I am waiting to shop for when I get home? "Edmonton- Fashion capital of the world"... not so much. Oh well, 7% GST is better then 13% tax if you ask me.
Recently I have become obsessed with fur, as mentioned previously in a post... fur and leather. I have never worn my leather jacket so much as I am this year, I am starting to think I should buy a motorcycle to match my look, especially when I pair it with my Michael Kors boots, I looks slightly badass.... only a little. Whatever enough about me. As boredom hit (after falling asleep at 10 pm and waking up at 1:30 am) I decided to browse the Proenza Schouler website (once again out of hopes and dreams that I could afford anything) and then began to realize how sad my closet actually is, designer garb always reminds me that I need to make more money so I can afford it... that or ... well there is no or. Lets take it back a few days (thanksgiving) and say what we are thankful for. I am thankful that I have overcome seventh grade and no longer wear clothing from Suzy Shier, Le Chateau or Parasuco, the fact that I even admitted any of that frightens me to no end, please do not hold that against me... I rocked all of that shit. Oh my evolution over the years... I swear, it only got better...I am also thankful for money. That is all.
Oh, besides all of that greedy greedy... I have the unfortunate pleasure of having my grad photos taken tomorrow, and if you have seen my roots, you would cringe and the thought of being forever known as "the daughter with the bad roots in her grad photo", so I clearly made a hair appointment. In addition to a hair appointment I also bought a new white blouse to wear underneath the gown... don't judge me, I didn't have one before. Besides, H&M was having a sale so it was cheap. Oh, and while I was there I saw a few pieces from the Lanvin collection... I was not so impressed... let's leave it at that. Rumi Neely may have looked good in her Lanvin dress (see, however the material was way harsh and I would have swam in it.
Here's a little reminder of my past... before I go to bed to show all of you how amazing I used to be. Keep in mind this was only 2-3 years ago. Smoking nargila, hooka, shisha or whatever you want to call it. This picture is my way of saying "peace out" for the night...
Recently I have become obsessed with fur, as mentioned previously in a post... fur and leather. I have never worn my leather jacket so much as I am this year, I am starting to think I should buy a motorcycle to match my look, especially when I pair it with my Michael Kors boots, I looks slightly badass.... only a little. Whatever enough about me. As boredom hit (after falling asleep at 10 pm and waking up at 1:30 am) I decided to browse the Proenza Schouler website (once again out of hopes and dreams that I could afford anything) and then began to realize how sad my closet actually is, designer garb always reminds me that I need to make more money so I can afford it... that or ... well there is no or. Lets take it back a few days (thanksgiving) and say what we are thankful for. I am thankful that I have overcome seventh grade and no longer wear clothing from Suzy Shier, Le Chateau or Parasuco, the fact that I even admitted any of that frightens me to no end, please do not hold that against me... I rocked all of that shit. Oh my evolution over the years... I swear, it only got better...I am also thankful for money. That is all.
Oh, besides all of that greedy greedy... I have the unfortunate pleasure of having my grad photos taken tomorrow, and if you have seen my roots, you would cringe and the thought of being forever known as "the daughter with the bad roots in her grad photo", so I clearly made a hair appointment. In addition to a hair appointment I also bought a new white blouse to wear underneath the gown... don't judge me, I didn't have one before. Besides, H&M was having a sale so it was cheap. Oh, and while I was there I saw a few pieces from the Lanvin collection... I was not so impressed... let's leave it at that. Rumi Neely may have looked good in her Lanvin dress (see, however the material was way harsh and I would have swam in it.
Here's a little reminder of my past... before I go to bed to show all of you how amazing I used to be. Keep in mind this was only 2-3 years ago. Smoking nargila, hooka, shisha or whatever you want to call it. This picture is my way of saying "peace out" for the night...
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