I know it's been a few days but things got a little hectic here on the home front (you know, school and such). Things are slowly beginning to get sorted out and finished so I can leave Toronto and go home to Edmonton, I need a break bad!
Things that have been going on... Friday was Brits birthday and we went to get our hair done (or as some would say, "got our hair did"). I basically got "ma hair did" for my grad pictures, which turned out semi OK. The robe they put me in was huge and made me look like a linebacker... unsure what a linebacker really is, but I hear the term often so I chose to use it (I know it's a football term... I don't do sports so that's as far as I can go with this...). Anyhow I took a really cute picture of my hair with me smiling to show my parents, and one without... and I by accident just deleted the one with me smiling so I am going to put up the one of me "pouting". How did I delete it? Well, I was deleting pictures of food from my phone since I had an abundance flooding my camera folder. I usually take pictures of everything I eat and send it to Jeremy in order to make him jealous (even if the food is gross), and then he sends me a message back how awesome he thinks the food I am eating is... (okay, whatever... it's a complex relationship, don't judge us).

Okay, I know I look like a total douche in this picture so don't judge me, I just wanted to show everyone how fabulous my hair looks (and my new lipgloss)... the other picture was so much better... I swear, it existed. Also, the fact that I am taking a picture of myself through a bathroom mirror does not help the situation... however, I live away from home and my parents need to see me somehow, right??? Ach whatever, excuses excuses...Also memo to self, clean my bathroom mirror- Had a little spritz problem when brushing my teeth... woopsy.
I am not a professional blogger who has individuals take photographs for them- case in point... HOLLER. This picture is way better... notice the white blouse (sweet grad photo styles).
This would be my definition of a smile- you could only imagine what my grad photos look like.
Okay also, Alli just told me about a fantastic new website I need to share. I am giving her all the credit because I did not find this... she is the genius behind this incredible find. To my friends out there I am now unveiling: http://breadpeople.tumblr.com/
Wow Jesse, what is this cool website you are introducing us to (through Alli) you might ask? It is exactly what it looks like...BREAD PEOPLE. What an amazing, incredible, phenomenal and as my Jeremy said, "this makes me hungry" website. I am not quite sure how it makes one hungry looking at people made out of bread, but I won't argue.
SO, we watched/ are watching Zoolander in "Europe A La Mode" and I thought I would leave you with an inspirational quote via Hansel (so hot right now, Hansel).
"Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that."
I respect you Hansel, I really do.
I DIED when I saw that first picture. DIED I tell you. I mean your hair looks great, but my god its hilarious and amazing all at the same time.