Question of the day… week, month, year…Is it OK to want a 12 year old boy as my boyfriend (sorry Jer)?... But, Greyson Chance is seriously in the running... and I don't mean for America's Next top model. Last night my friend Alli and I were swooning over Greyson and his incredible voice (which is different then our usual thisiswhyourefat.com swooning- If you have not been there I suggest you go). This made me wonder… is it okay to have a “singer crush” (let’s call it that) on a prepubescent teen? I am starting to sound like Dr. Phil and Oprah now (sad it's her last year). Too bad she can’t have me be a guest on her show for being a 22 year old mildly inappropriate individual. Do you think she would categorize me as a “sexual predator”? Whatever, don’t judge me… it’s not about you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKbWvHbf2ho&feature=player_embedded
Speaking of Oprah, I missed her favorite things episode so I did a little recap on the website. As usual, I was expecting Oprah to give away houses, and cars and shit so honestly I was a little disappointed when i saw her toting brownie mix and mac and cheese, which I could walk to the store and get. Way uncool Oprah. Other then that, I guess a TV, Ipad and Cruise is pretty cool... but don't tell anyone I said that. I say all this now but I'm sure I would be the one screaming and jumping up and down crying in the audience over brownie mix... So unfortunate, yet so classic.
Thus I sit in my "Europe A La Mode" class, which somehow can be translated into "European Fashion" (don't ask me how), contemplating Alexander Mcqueen's 2009/2010 Ready to Wear collection as I am listening to a presentation that refers to it, schvitsing from the sudden heat increase in this classroom. Somehow we got into a debate on whether it is fashionable to wear too many layers in the winter and sweat too much versus wearing too little and freeze... Oh Europe A La Mode, how truly fashionable you are... It's time to pay attention... Will write more later, facebook is calling (did i say pay attention)?
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